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We Create

Linkedin Rockstar

JOIN OUR Community

You’ll find amazing professionals who are ready to consistently engage with your LinkedIn posts, articles, and more, if you do the same for them.

We focus on helping others to thrive, and in doing so, we help ourselves! This is our secret.

We can do it with ease because we all use INTERACTWatch the video ->

Who We Are

We are a community of professionals who support each other on LinkedIn by exchanging likes and comments to increase our visibility and credibility.

Those who join the community can rely on many professionals ready to consistently engage with their social profiles, LinkedIn, and beyond.

All members of the community use INTERACT. <-

Interact is a Chrome extension that allows us to interact with the profiles of all community members we want with Minimum effort.

Using interact and our community is the simplest and most effective way in the world to multiply your influence on the internet. Try it to believe it.

Unity is strength.


Why we have united

Personally, I believe in Saint Francis’ maxim: “It is in giving that we receive.”

Here we are focused on helping others to thrive, and in doing so, we help ourselves!

This is very very important.

Thanks to our chrome extension, INTERACT, with minimum effort, the entire group achieves magical results superior to those obtainable by a manager. Unity is strength and is convenient!

How to Get Started NOW

You can join the community by registering here.
Install our chrome extensions in one click and HAVE FUN!

What is the investment?

IF you register now the extension and the community support is free for life.

It’s time to interact.

Dott. Fausto Maria Bonifacio

Are you attracting opportunities with my extension?

I created this extension because I love the idea that it is in giving that we receive. Shifting the focus to helping others succeed and encouraging them to do better every day is key to earning karmic points and deserving more.

Interact is a simple and versatile extension that people are falling in love with for its simplicity and effectiveness. Join our community. We are costantly growing…



When everything you write receives a flood of likes and comments, in the eyes of the world, you are a Rockstar. Opportunities and clients naturally follow from this.

Dott. Fausto Maria BonifacioClinical Psychologist


Multiply your results on LinkedIn in a simple and beautiful way.